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8/29/2020 10:29:10 PM

Solstice Armor Coloration

So any chance Bungie could look at fixing the fact that the trim on specifically the Warlock Skirt/Hunter Cloak doesn't match the rest of the armor. I realize this is a bit of a silly complaint, but it's kind of sucky to have a really well-designed set of armor, farm out the glow, and purchase the eververse ornaments only for the trim on one part of the armor to ignore whatever shader you have on making it look immensely stupid... I feel like if you're going to make people grind 6k bright dust or charge 15 $ for an ornament, it should at least function correctly. I can't imaging fixing a texture tag on a singular piece of armor would be that much of a task. Please can this get fixed? I want to use this armor but I feel like I spent 15 bucks on an ornament that just looks... wrong.

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