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впервые опубликовано в: Unable to move Legend of Acrius to vault
7/23/2020 1:56:04 PM
During the Acrius quest you receive a quest version of the gun. The quest version cannot be moved, cannot be infused, and will not unlock the gun in collections. Also the gun will only hold one shot. Sounds like you have the quest version which means you haven't finished the Acrius quest. Unless you deleted the quest you should still have the Acrius quest in your quest inventory. The quest will either be at "Cabal Killer" where you have to eliminate Cabal or at "His Highness's Seal" where you have to go back to the Leviathan raid and collect Emperor Seals. His Highness's Seal would be the last step and once completed you will be awarded with the final version of the gun. There is an additional step after that called The Emperor's Pleasure that will award an ornament for completing the the raid on prestige difficulty.

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