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Изменено (RIZE): 7/31/2020 12:31:24 PM



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  • [quote]Come one, come all! [b]Raid addicts, Vanguard grinders, Triumph/Seal Chasers, and PvP Lifers.[/b] The Leagues Of Shadows community has a diverse player base, striving to have[b]Fun[/b], [b]Make Friends[/b], [b]Completing Quest[/b], and[b]Knocking Out End Game Content![/b] The activity is consistent between both our[b]Discord Server[/b] and within the [b]Game![/b] [b]We do not judge![/b] or discriminate. If you’re a new light, moderate, or returning player we are willing to teach/guide. [b]WE DO NOT CARRY![/b] we expect every member to pay it forward. A team that trains together, and plays together; [b]STAYS TOGETHER[/b]! [b]What do we offer?[/b] [spoiler]👍Well organized, Active, Engaging, helpful discord server. 👍Twitch Stream Team support for all aspiring streamers who want to become affiliate. 👍Daily Raid runs for both [b]Experienced, and Inexperienced Raiders.[/b] 👍Crucible & Trials Players, they do prized tournaments, and private matches for fun. 👍Triumph, Seal, and Exotic Quest hunters for those who need guidance or a team! 👍Highly Active Founders, and Admin team readily available to help when needed. 👍Consistent, Reliable community members! [/spoiler] [b]How do I join?[/b]👀 [spoiler][b]☝️Upvote this post![/b] 🗣[b]Leave a comment:[/b]Whats the first thing you want to complete after joining LGS? 💥[b]Check out our Instagram page:[/b] [/spoiler] My name is Rize, I am the clan founder and here is my raid stats. I love to do raids 😈[/quote] I want to make lasting memories on destiny that I have not been able to due to lack of a good clan/friends to enjoy the game to the fullest

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