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Общее обсуждение Destiny.
Изменено (Frostelus): 7/12/2020 3:15:37 PM

Plan to downgrade from PS4 to PS3

I used to play the first Destiny on PS4, but it was very restricted due to not having PS+, but at the very least I completed the story and managed to achieved a couple of trophies except for the ones that requires online like crucible and raids. I'm considering about downgrading to PS3 mainly to try and get the rest of the trophies, since PS4 and PS3 shares the same trophy list, and I'll also get to experience a bit of nostalgia since I will be doing a fresh start. But I have to know how Destiny PS3 stands as of 2020. I know, these types of questions has been asked thousands of times, but I could only find posts from either last year or the year before, so I'm not sure if they still apply to this day. So, I'll apologize in advance to those who find these types of topics annoying! Anyway there are a few concerns I have that needs to be addressed before I decide to downgrade; 1. Are there any active clans or perhaps a community that are fully dedicated to Destiny 1 on PS3? 2. While I'm aware there are a small number of players still playing on PS3, is there enough to easily find matchmaking in Crucible, strikes, raids and can I easily find players in free roam as well? 3. Does public events and Xur work the same way as PS4? 4. Any words or sign that the PS3 servers could be shut down anytime soon? What are the chances for it to happen? 5. Is there anything else I should know of? I already know Rise of Iron is not on PS3 and that you can't transfer characters from PS4 to PS3. I only plan on playing vanilla and The Taken King. PS. I prefer not to discuss about why I don't have PS+ and why I should get it. I'm aware of the benefits, but I got my reasons. Focusing on the main topic of this post is highly appreciated!
#Destiny #PS3

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