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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
7/7/2020 8:40:18 PM

Cottontail Shell's name is already used by the Season 6 Revelry Eververse purchase

I recieved, upon logging in, a Daito Sparrow and Daito Shell, both from the Dungeon I believe as that is where the Source in collections claim them to be. The Shell is named "Cottontail Shell". It looks cute. A stylized rabbit with twitching whiskers and all. The issue here is that we already had a Cottontail Shell: back in Season 6, from the Revelry. I know that in the past Bungie has renamed items that were very similarly named (Mercurian Sunrise from Season 2, and the Season 4 blue shader that was renamed to Metallic Sunrise iirc) so that this slipped through the cracks is a bit odd. A friendly bug report to any devs trawling this place I suppose.

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