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Destiny 2

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Изменено (Canalian Phil): 7/5/2020 6:32:43 PM

Why did I bother to GIT GUD in the Crucible if you're going to remove Skill Based Matchmaking

[b][u]EDIT:[/u] After a few other posts and some helpful replies, I understand I did not actually [i]GIT GUD[/i], I was just benefiting from how the SBMM was putting me into matches. [i]RIP[/i] the days when I was 'good' at Crucible. Turns out I wasn't and it was an SBMM illusion. That said, Crucible is now not fun for me I'm really on the fence about whether I want to put in the time to actually [i]GIT GUD[/i], or if I even can if I'm actually this outclassed.[/b] [u][b]ORIGINAL POST:[/b][/u] I put a lot of work in to [b]git gud[/b] in the Crucible. I only ever went positive by accident in Destiny 1. Put in a lot of work and practice to up my game and by Season of the Worthy I had a 1.5 K/D for that season. You removed Skill Based Matchmaking and now it feels exactly the same as 5 years ago. Doesn't matter what I do, I just get ganked every 10 seconds. [b]Thanks for undoing all the hard work and progress I made.[/b] I used to feel happy and proud of myself after a good Crucible match where I'd done really well. I'd worked hard and progressed and had an accomplishment I was proud of. Now I just feel discouraged at the end of [b][u]every[/u][/b] game because I know [u]the only reason I didn't do better is you guys decided to flip a switch[/u]. [i]...And don't even get me started on how much harder it's made getting any Crucible quests done...[/i] [u][/u]

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