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6/13/2020 7:20:11 AM

Game is unplayable due to game freezing when I kill an enemy

[b]TL;DR- Game freezes when I kill things = unplayable[/b] I have several screenshots of the screen my game froze on if that helps. They are all form the crucible. Since Season of the Arrivals has started my game has been freezing. I thought it was my Xbox at first but, I have noticed a pattern. My game freezes whenever I kill an enemy. Right as they die my game freezes. In PvE it was only shanks that made my game freeze, then I went to Crucible. I froze and got disconnected from 75% of the games I played. I was playing with a friend and I asked him what it looked like I was doing. He told me that it looked like I got disconnected and was walking endlessly into a wall. I tried waiting to see if the game ever came back, but I sat there for 5 mins and nothing. I have uninstalled the game and downloaded it again. It makes me really sad that this new season is virtually unplayable. I don't know what to do and I'm hoping it is just a temporary bug. Has anyone else experienced this? Please help. [url][/url]

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