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Изменено (Dark Croft): 6/9/2020 9:27:55 PM

Season pass

I have a season pass issue, I bought the season pass first at 24th october 2019, but the last season about raspoutin said that I no longer had season pass so I bought it again at 22 mars 2020, so now I expected to have access to today's new season pass, since the first time I bought season pass it lasted 3 seasons, but I don't have the access, it says I need to buy it again. And once again I found out another thing : One of my friends told me that I should've had access to all of the first 4 seasons with the first purchase... Anyways I expect to buy the new expansion but I wouldn't want to pay a third time for a season pass that I should've had... I am willing to show proof to show a billing proof to Bungie

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