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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
Изменено (Times Vengeance): 5/23/2020 6:29:55 AM

New raid encounter suggestion!! This is a long boi seeing as I tried to detail it as much as I could.

I have an idea for a raid encounter that possibly may be used for any raid down the line, even relating to darkness somehow (seeing as we don’t really know exactly how the darkness works yet it could be a possibility) but also could be completely used for a taken raid as well seeing as taken are all about possession of beings. The reason I came up with this encounter is due to the amount of times I’ve heard that the raids are too easy in destiny 2 other than the forsaken expansion. Here’s how it goes: All 6 guardians are loaded into a circular arena style sandbox with possible pillars/obstacles and such to hide behind or jump around on. They are spawned in at random locations around this mediocre sized circular arena and have about 15 second from the initial start of the encounter to get prepared. By prepared I mean probably get to the center and meetup to start the mechanic of the whole encounter. Let me add the point that the goal of the encounter is to have 4 out of 6 guardians escape the circular arena as the whole arena is potentially closing in on itself whether it be the ceiling coming down to crush them or the walls caving in (around 5 - 10 minutes to actually complete the entire encounter). After the initial 15 seconds for the guardians to spawn and meetup. A flash will appear across everyone’s screen for about 3 seconds and then visuals will come back to everyone with everything appearing the same. No change will seem to have taken place from before the flash appeared. The catch is that there are now actually 2 dimensions or realities, A mimic reality, and a normal one. 1 guardian out of the 6 will seem to have been transported to a mimic reality by the darkness or taken or whatever, and in their place will be a mimic in the normal reality. The objective is to free the transported guardian by outing the mimic in the normal reality and killing them. Let me premise before I continue that team damage is on for everyone 100% almost like a crucible arena. Outing the mimic isn’t all that easy seeing as both realities will look the exact same and feel the exact same and every time you are able to free a guardian by outing the mimic, the next mimic will be harder to out. Also one more thing, the reason I mentioned that 15 seconds is required to meetup before the mimic is spawned in is because guardians need to position themselves accordingly. The reason being is that the mimic has the potential to poison someone thornn style but harsher, with only around 20-30 seconds of survivability without the cure buff. The way that the mimic can poison you is if you are not looking at them 100% of the time (not knowing who the mimic is you need to have everyone on screen), the moment you look away from the mimic he has a 50% chance of poisoning you. This mechanic can be a potential way to out the mimic although it can be a very unreliable one seeing as the mimic wont actually do any out of the ordinary animation to poison you and it also wont do it 100% of the time you aren’t looking at it. You would have to do it only by looking at 4 out of 5 of the other guardians and having the one you aren’t looking at be the mimic and poison you at that exact moment (basically extreme rng and luck). If you kill the wrong guardian (not the mimic) then two detrimental things will happen; one being that you literally just killed your teammate and will have to revive him with a token and try again, and two the individual in the mimic reality will see all the other mimic guardians change into dark or taken forms of themselves with invulnerable overshields and also gun him down, making the team waste another revive token. If you kill the correct mimic in the normal reality then the guardian in the mimic reality will be able to kill the now very obvious looking mimics or hide from them for around 10 seconds until he or she is teleported to safety. If that guardian is able to kill one of those mimics though, for every mimic guardian they are able to take down within those 10 seconds it will spawn a healing rift/cleanse buff on the floor in the normal reality that only one poisoned guardian will be able to pickup and remove the debuff. Now I will get into how you should out the mimic. Seeing as I mentioned that 4 out of 6 guardians need to escape, outing the mimic will need to be done 4 separate times, and seeing how each time a guardian has escaped resulting in fewer choices for the mimic to copy, the encounter will make up for it by making it harder to out the mimic each time. I will break down how to out the mimic for each scenario. Remember that in each scenario both realities should look the exact same for everyone minus some very slight differences that need to be paid attention to because you don’t know who of the team is in the mimic reality alone. [b]Scenario 1:[/b] Being the first scenario, it should also be the easiest. 1 of the 6 guardians is in the mimic reality. The mimics in the mimic reality will copy the movements and actions of the other 5 teammates exactly. The one mimic in the normal reality will not copy the actions of the guardian in the mimic reality so It is up to the 5 members of the normal reality to out the mimic. Keep in mind that the mimic can be coded to simulate actions like the rest of the team like jumping sliding and shooting at random if the team seems to be doing a lot of that action at that time. This will make it harder to have the team try and get each member to jump or shoot in order until the mimic is outed because it is a bot. if the code detects that members of the fireteam are jumping, then it might try to jump along with other guardians in order to not be outed. strategy to trick the mimic is required. [b]Scenario 2:[/b] Almost the exact same as scenario 1 except the mimic in the normal reality will copy the actions of the transported guardian and the mimics the mimic reality will not copy all the actions of the other normal guardian exactly. They might copy some actions making it unreliable to have 1 of 6 guardians jump up and down asking who cannot see them jump up and down. It will be up to the judgment of the sole guardian in the mimic reality to out themselves as the mimic in the normal one, as they are the only ones unbale to see all the true actions of the rest of the team. [b]Scenario 3:[/b] This involves actual enemies spawning in to mess with the focus of the group and the positioning of guardians trying to have each other on screen so they are not poisoned. Let me also say that for every guardian that is poisoned the timer for the collapse of the arena will move faster multiplied by the amount of poisons until the debuffs are cleansed. This makes it a very risky tactic to have everyone try to poison themselves to out the mimic, especially in scenarios 3 and 4 seeing has time has already BEEN running out. The good news for scenario 3 is that the enemies spawning in wont be lobbing projectiles. They’ll be more like exploding harpy’s from GOS, so pillar hopping is an option. Bad news is that the mimics in both realities will be copying everyone’s movements to a T so you’ll have to outsource in order to discover the mimic. By this point you should already have 2 out of 6 guardians already escaped to safety with nothing to do so let’s use them. We will refer to them as safety guardians. The guardians still stuck in the arenas or realities will all have a sequence of symbols above their heads that will change through the sequence one symbol at a time. It will be above the head so the guardian themselves won’t be able to see it but everyone else will. The sequence above each person’s head will flash one symbol at a time. The guardians in the safety zone will have a list of symbols on a wall In front of them, each their own meaning each safety guardian won’t be able to see the other list. The objectives is to out the guardian with a symbol in their sequence that is not given to the other 2 guardians in the safety zone already escaped. People will have to communicate to determine which guardian has a symbol in their sequence that is not included in either of the safety guardians list. Kill the mimic and let your buddy go free. [b]Scenario 4:[/b] scenario 4 is the exact same as scenario 3 except there are now 3 safety guardians each with their own list and the enemies spawning in are not only explody harpy’s but also shooters. The upside to this is that the chance of being poisoned by the mimic is significantly reduced making it a greater possibility for guardians to look away from each other for a sec to survive. You can even code it so that you gain a buff for 15 seconds from the last moment you saw everyone on your screen making it impossible to be poisoned within those 15 seconds until you need to rebuff by looking at everyone at the same time again. Once all 4 scenarios are completed and 4 guardians escape you stop the collapse of the arena by having those 4 guardians that escaped stand on 4 separate pressure plates, opening a door and allowing the last 2 guardians stuck in the area to gtfo. If you fail a specific scenario, you just restart that exact scenario with rng teleportation of a guardian to the mimic reality after all the dead guardians are revived, or not if there are no tokens. Like I said you fail if you kill the wrong guardian, or the guardian in the mimic reality dies somehow at any point until they are teleported to safety. [spoiler]Moderator edit: This thread has been updated with tags that are more appropriate. Feel free to private message the moderator who moved your post, link to topic, for further clarification about why this topic was moved.[/spoiler]

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