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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
Изменено (celacovsci): 5/21/2020 3:34:46 AM







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  • Изменено (Cobravert): 5/20/2020 12:59:22 PM
    Though I believe this originally was a miss placed #Destiny post, I do agree that; YES, Cheaters are one of the lowest of the low. If you can't play, winning or not, within the aspect of the game, and try to use any glitch or outside interference to either troll or 'win' (cheating does not = a win), then you need to be removed from the multiplayer realm. If you utilize glitches or cheats in single player, no one else is affected. But as far as cheating in Destiny itself goes - that belongs in the #Destiny2 forum. But I will add, you can blame Bungie for it. Are they making people cheat? no They enable it, and never take the steps required to crack down or eliminate it. ACTUAL servers would be a GIANT step in the right direction. But Bungie being and multi million dollar company are extraordinarily cheap. Over the years they have never shown any real or actual concern about keeping their players in a 'safe' arena..... So it'll likely never happen. So many fails in the whole aspect of D since the release of 1, and people still play it.......

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