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Изменено (Kingsfall Tutor (Harrowed)): 3/8/2022 5:26:45 AM

"Acuras Abliteris" - Exotic Energy Pulse Rifle by: Itz SwirlZz

Before you read this: you may see some perks you havent seen before, its because ive made a forum about perk concepts. If you want to see them click [url=]Me[/url]. it'll help context wise at least! Another note: this exotics name is weirdly pronounced, I really, REALLY hope you didn't read this out loud. If you did then lol, my bad. Click the spoiler below to see how to say it... [spoiler] <ACURAS ABLITERIS> ------------------ <ACURAS> (A-qyoor-ous) { it's Like saying "Cure us" But more slurred and smoothed over syllable wise.} ----------------- <ABLITERIS> (awl-bli-TER-is) {[B]Awl[/b](like the snow "Owl", or short for "Alex".), [b]Bli[/b](like you're about to say "[i]Blitz[/i]", rush over this quickly.), [b]TER-is[/b](With the most emphasis, like saying "[i]Terrorist[/i]" but with more punch and no "o". Stress is added to flip the "-blam!-" of the word.) [/spoiler] [I]There is something etched on this weapon, "Son of Mortis"[/i] <Click spoiler for lore> [spoiler] [B]There is something etched on this weapon, "Son of Mortis" [/b] Theres another hint that will take awhile to decypher. "I have some analysis on this saying, there's a relative that was associated with this weapon And they have some correlation to [i]Nova Mortis[/i]. Hmm, interesting... " According to my analysis on the catalyst, it is said that there were 3 known Void-Savvy Guardians that wielded powerful void weapons. " ...Go on... " the third guardian happens to be under the name of [i]Nötivart[/i] and his ideal weapon of choice?, a Greatsword. in a looks of a hive knight sword, but more sleek in design, strange..." Yes, strange indeed... -Guardian and Ghost [/spoiler] <[STATS]> ___________________________________ Impact:----------[33]| Range:-------------------------[60]| Stability:-----------------[50]| Handling:------------[45]| Reload S.:-----------[45]| ___________________________________ RPM: 340 Mag: 35 _______________ <[PERKS]> Frame: [b]Delay Frame[/b] <[b]Co-Donor[/b]> (Intrinsic) Kills with this weapon slightly reduces the cooldown for meele and grenade abilities (x1.5 Bonus for void subclasses) <[B]Burst of Joy[/b]> (Additional perk) <[b]Nova Deathblast[/b]> (Exotic Trait) Getting 3 headshot kills in a 6.Sec time frame will Exude 3 shrieker death blasts, targeting other foes. Repeated body shots reverse the timer. Kills with deathblasts grant chunks of super to the wielder (x1.5 bonus for void subclasses). <[EXOTIC CATALYST]> [spoiler] Method: Quest: [b]"History of the void"[/b] Steps: 3 (Talk to Ikora Rey) S1: Gather Void essence: [I]Void Kills: x/50 Void Meele Kills: x/20 Void Grenade Kills: x/20 Void Super Kills: x/10 [/i] (Return to Ikora Rey) S2: Do any strike, kill 3 Special void nullifying Targets and complete activity. [I]Bounties paid: x/3[/i] (Return to Ikora Rey) (Talk to Gunsmith) S3: Test the void stablizers by field testing the [i]Acuras Abliteris[/i]. [I] Total Kills: x/50 Delay round final blows: x/10 Deathblast kills: x/10 [/i] (Return to the Gunsmith) Complete modified mission to obtain the Lost catalyst of the [i]Acuras Abliteris[/i]. [I]Catalyst Found: x[/i] <[CATALYST DETAILS]> +15 Stability +10 Range <Enchanted Deathblast> 3 more Deathblast bolts added, better super gains upon kills with them. [/spoiler] <[ADDITIONAL DETAILS]> -upon procing the perk [b]Nova Deathblast[/b], The initial explosion will do damage to enemies surrounding it, like a decorative firefly, making foes weaker and more likely to fall under the death blast bolt. -Heres the picture on what it looks like: [url=]Acuras_Abliteris[/url]

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