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5/11/2020 9:51:04 PM

Connection Problems with a friend.

So I was playing Destiny 2 a lot lately and i finally got my friend to play along. But everytime when i try to travel somewhere with him, i'm getting the "olive" error code and get kicked out of the fireteam. (Note here: i'm streaming parallel and never got that problem before). Also there is the very commonly known issue, that he shows as powerlevel 0 with black emblem. I did some research, but couldn't find anything helpfull about this. And for me this isn't just a minor bug, NO IT DESTROYS THE GAME COMPLETLY! Destiny is a MULTIplayer game and this bug makes that "multi"-component very complicated. If others only play with randy's, that's fine with me, but i'd like to play with my friends. Unfortunately 4 out of 5 friends always have this bug and we were trying about half an hour to get the fireteam working (every day we played). So does anyone know waht to do about the olive and how to fix my friends powerlevels? Would be very kind Thx ║Eavy

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  • Изменено (BNGHelp6): 5/12/2020 4:57:42 PM
    Hi. Thanks for your report. You may want to [url=]verify the integrity of your game files[/url] in the Steam app to see if that helps with your issue. If that doesn't help, here are more suggestions that may help you: [quote] [b]1.[/b] Go to your Games library, right-click Destiny 2 and go to Properties. Click Local Files then Browse Local Files to open your Destiny 2 directory. Remove all files in this folder EXCEPT "Packages "then verify the integrity of Destiny 2 game files again. [b]2.[/b] Make sure that your HDD/SDD isn't full. [b]3.[/b] Update your drivers or do a fresh install [b]4.[/b] Make sure everything in the D2 Steam folder isn’t set to read-only. [b]5.[/b] [url=]This post suggests moving your game files around[/url]. [b]6.[/b] You may want to uninstall and reinstall D2 and Steam if none of these suggestions help. [/quote]

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