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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
5/11/2020 8:47:33 PM

D1 Trials vs D2 trials

What do ya'll think the main differences between D1 trails and D2 trials are? What should be incorporated from D1 trials going forward and what should stay from D2 trials? Let's have a legit conversation, don't just say the game is trash or let it die. Have an actual response.

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  • I’ll start by saying destiny 1 wasn’t perfect but I think it was a better, much more fun game than destiny2. Usually when I try to say D1 was better, people bring up triple sunsingers all using fire bolts. While this was annoying and took very little skill, I always felt like they could be outplayed with better gunskill. In destiny 2 there are way too many things that are over powered and when they’re combined it leads to a game that’s pretty much unplayable. Things like mountain top, bastion, jotunn, ARs, Antaeus wards, one eyed mask, wormhusk, jemini jesters, and a bow that lets you see through walls are what makes this game uncompetitive. Loading into a game and seeing that the other team is using these things is what leads to teams crouching in corners, going invisible, 3 peaking everything, or spamming skip nades. I’m cool with getting 3 tapped by a handcannon or getting sniped in the head or getting killed by someone who could close the gap without Antaeus and shotgunning me. But when I get killed by a guy who has a grenade launcher every round or a jotunn, or three people hugging each other with ARs ur makes me not want to play anymore. In destiny 1 there was a clear skill gap but in destiny 2 you can be a .5 kd player and as long as you’re using the right setup you can beat anyone.

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  • D2 Trials needs: D1 (House of Wolves) loot system, and getting cheating under control. But I don’t have faith in their ability to fight cheating on pc without dedicated servers, and most of Trials problems are bound up in the design of Trials itself. Which is why D2 Trials mainly resurrected the problems of D1 Trials. People just forgot about those problems.

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  • Изменено (GHOST 9o5): 5/11/2020 9:19:39 PM
    The big difference is the reward system between the two. It's been a LOOOOONG time since I've talked to Brother Vance about ToS, but I think it was completed bounties that gave you Trials gear back then? Probably also after matches, I'm not sure - I never really wanted any of the Trials gear so I never payed any attention to it. I just liked to help carry my friends to the Lighthouse. But I digress. That original bounty system was good - you were rewarded for participation. Players should be rewarded for simple participation instead of a win counter, because then you get this token farming system that scummy players will keep on with so that they can get their god roll "insert weapon here" despite having another shotgun or sniper just like it. They'll keep steamrolling players that just want loot - that just want to participate and get something. Hmmm... It would also probably be better for Trials if teams didn't retain special ammo from the previous round. The way heavy works in D2 Trials should stay. A fight for power ammo is much better than the heavy ammo truth duels that occurred every match lol (though they were still fun) The "Devoured Light" debuff you get from overtime should stay. Not sure if that ever existed in D1 - but it's a good way to encourage players to get control over the overtime point first.

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