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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
5/1/2020 11:37:45 PM

Trials kicked mid game - 'Fireteam closed' when it was public.

Hi Beautiful people, My friend biG Noot Noot was disconnected during this game - last week when this randomly happened, he was able to reconnect. This week when we accepted that we lost a round because of Bungies servers being funny - he was unable to join back... It was almost a guaranteed win however because of Bungies funny servers and funny game my teammate was unable to complete the game. We lost due to not having a teammate. We lost the flawless trials passage. Bungie can you please investigate why the teammate was not able to join back, why the teammate was disconnected in the first place and prevent this in the future please? This is Trials - meant to be the attraction of the game however it turns out to be a broken, hot mess. I can't explain how incredibly frustrating it is when trying to play this mode, trying to go flawless and losing on your 4th game due to a bug - resulting in all of your progress being meaningless as you can no longer go flawless due to a bug. Please. Fix. This. Red EUW

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