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Завтра Destiny 2 будет временно недоступна в связи с плановым техобслуживанием. Следите за новостями @BungieHelp.


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Изменено (unsanguine): 4/27/2020 2:05:43 AM

Do You Have Anything That Is Considered Rare?

Do you have anything that is considered rare? This can be anything, from an item in a game, a piece of clothing you have, an accessory, etc. Let me know! If I think about it, I don't have that many rare items in-game and in real life. I do have a couple event pokemon from around 2011 (A shiny Suicune and the Event Zoroark when Gen 5 was introduced) and the Eternal effect on Halo Reach for the 360.
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