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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
4/23/2020 8:55:32 AM

Increase planetary rewards

Hello everyone, I am currently sitting at 996-1000 item level, as i am now i see no point on collecting planetary items or doing public events/lost sectors other than simply being bored. I could get high drops from any activity that is present in the Tower. I went ahead and redeemed all my planetary items that i got from this season and my drops and the engrams drop items that don't have enough options. All the weapons have 2 options, the armors don't have the 2.0 mods and are almost all with total stats under 56. Please increase planetary engrams total stats and options, those armors/ weapons look really cool but are worthless. Long story short, if you have the items from Season Pass (which are the ugliest things i've ever seen) you have total stats over 60 for each item and you won't need to do anything else regarding armors if you are a casual player.

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