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4/20/2020 1:36:14 PM

Looking for tips on strike and crucible catalysts.

I'm wondering if there are any activities that have a higher drop chance for Strike and Crucible catalysts compared to others? Like, does Iron Banner have higher drop rates than Free For All for example? Is Nightfall much better than regular strikes and so on so forth? Any tips or tricks would be greatly appreciated. I've been playing Destiny 2 on and off for about two years, and I've recently returned to this wonderful game once more. Although there's one thing that I've always wanted to but never managed to achieve, and that is finding the catalyst for the Graviton Lance. I know that it's a Crucible and/or Strike rare drop and I keep grinding those activities but I've had no luck thus far. Sadly, I mostly play solo and I don't have "access" to the higher tiers of Nightfalls for example. Thanks in advance from a farmin' Titan-boy

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