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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
4/7/2020 7:49:20 AM

Is it worthy anymore ?

So I can't stop thinking about something theese days. The last time we bought an annual pass when forsaken was the DLC. We could play anytime and the way we wanted to play the game, and we were able to get all the gear and weapons from the season pass. All the quests and activities, it didn't matter if we were not playing all the time. We paid for the content and we were able to play and enjoy it the way we wanted when we were able to play it. If you were late and couldn't play some time or months ir didn't matter, you could play all the content when you had the time. Even now we are still able to get all the armors from the past season of the forges or the season of the drifter and the season of opullence. And that's an awesome thing when you compare that to the actual state of the DLC. We paid for the whole content of the game, it's not free, you can't play any content of the season pass (which is nothing else but another name for a dlc), and if you paid for the content because you trusted Bungie when shadowkeep was announced and bought the "annual pass", you discover that you can't play the content you paid for or even get the year of the season pass because they change the season. What is the point of making content for the game, to add loot if you are going to remove it forever after the season. I understand the idea of the season pass, and I understand if you tell me to stop crying about it. But this game is not a mobile game with just one game mode and a season pass if you want cool skins. This Is a loot shooter where we are supposed to play adventures or activities to get loot and make our guardians strongers. This game it's not supposed to be a bounty simulator, that's why I'm asking myself, where did the soul of the game is now. Because the game now looks more like a job making you log in every day in order to do some bounties and not making you waste the money you invested on it. Personally I couldn't play the previous two seasons of the game at all, I lost all the content, adventures, weapons, armors, all.. and i can't feel but left aside because of the new way the DLC's are in the game. I just wanted to give my oppinion because I've been talking with some friends i made in this game and a lot of them feel something like this How hard could it be to just being able to get te weapons or armors from the previous seasons? (not even talking about mods) Or how hard could it be to make exotics feel powerful again in pve, and not being necessary to have equipped eriana's to beat a Nightfall or strike because of champions. I know there's gonna be people that are not going to be able to have empathy with the players like me that dont have all the time to play the game whenever they want. But come on, how cool would it be too being able to grind for that armor that you want or those weapons again and have more content or incentive to play for some good old loot with some friends... I love destiny, I love the lore and the universe that bungie created here. But i dont know if i can recognize that passion and love for the game and that beatiful world they created years ago anymore.. Where is the "play the way you want" now ? :c

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  • "Play the way you want". Those words made me buy the game in the first place. But when the season pass issue came up, I hesitated to continue spending money on the game. Since I love the lore and plot (which even Shadowkeep still had a plot) that Destiny had, I bought the DLC and the passes. But I realized that the plot deviated, gave importance to pvp and left out pve. You missed the story of Uldren, Shin Malfur, Aunor, even the pyramids! Just to have bad stuffing in these seasons. I'm not saying I didn't enjoy saving Saint 14, or traveling the corridors of time. I'm just saying I'd like to do those missions again, try to save Cayde again, fight Ghaul again. And most of all, to regain the armor of the moment. It hurts me (in my heart and in my pocket) to see guardians with a thousand of power and the armor of the past seasons, while I, a girl who studies and works, I just have to settle for the weapons and armor that I "get", staying at a low level of power and not even being able to go to the Trials of Osiris. The battle pass is a good idea, but it only benefits the people who regularly enter the game. Where's the big line that sold the game in the first place? "Play the way you want"?

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