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4/1/2020 7:41:34 PM

"The Invitation" (menagerie) quest is bugged (?)

A friend of mine started to play few weeks ago. He bought the DLCs bundle on Steam (Forsaken with all minor DLCs + Shadowkeep + Season Pass) and started recently to do "The Invitation" quest to unlock the Menagerie. He repaired the Chalice and bought the first rune slot with the imperials obtained by following the quest. Now "The invitation", says: "Ghost receives another transmission from Werner, this time with a bounty note attached" The objective is: "Bounty completed" with a checkbox, unless he didn't receive such bounty and both Werner and Benedict have their inventory empty. As I read in some guides he should have received a bounty named "Glorious Harvest" in order to unlock the first red rune. Is the quest bugged or we're just missing something? [u]Everything is shown in the video[/u] [url][/url]

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