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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
Изменено (Its Salsa): 4/1/2020 2:26:45 AM

Making Menagerie a core activity/important again

As we all remember, Menagerie’s introduction to the game changed the way Destiny players think about loot and PvE activities. It had everything we wanted in a PvE activity. It was 6 man match made activity that you can do with randoms, or run with a 6 stack and finish it extremely quick. It benefitted both solo players, casuals and hardcore sweats. It had solid encounters that changed every run so running it for long periods of time wasn’t extremely repetitive. Most importantly, Menagerie’s great loot system allowed players to farm for weapons they actually want. If you never got a good Waking Vigil or Dust Rock Blues, you had a place where you could actually farm for those weapons! The Menagerie weapons were also incredible. It feels like Bungie for so long has tried to recreate that magic that Menagerie had with activities with Vex Offensive and especially the Sundial (which wasn’t bad IMO but Menagerie was better). Instead of trying to recreate Menagerie, why not add onto it? It’s such a good activity that they could add onto and make it a core part of the game. You could add an encounter or two every season to keep it fresh, as well as rotate encounters in and out. You could add hard to farm for weapons or year 1 weapons into the Menagerie and allow us chances to get those weapons. Why not put in intriguing weapons that we would grind for like Blast Furnace or Gnawing Hunger, or add year one weapons with random rolls like Lincoln Green. Give me interesting loot every season that I’d actually be willing to farm and I would be in there every season. Most importantly, I believe this would be a great way to solve Bungie’s FOMO weapons problem. Say you missed out on the Breachlight last season. Instead of that weapon going into legendary engrams 6 months from now or just never bringing it back, why not keep Menagerie fresh and allow people who missed out on the weapons from previous seasons to be able to get the weapons in the future? It’s re-using content, sure, but it’s a great way to do so. People won’t be so worried about missing out on weapons if they know they’ll be able to farm them again in the future. Every season it will be extremely exciting to go into Menagerie and figure out which weapons are in the loot pool. It’s good for newer and casual players, as it’s an matchmade introduction to harder PvE and raid style encounters with easily farmable loot, and it’s good for hardcore players as they can grind for weapons quickly and have intriguing weapons to look forward to every season. It even makes sense lore wise, as Calus would want to continue to test us and give us reasons to come back to him. It could be D2’s Prison of Elders. It’s a win-win for the community and Bungie, and I think it would be a great addition.

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