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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
Изменено (SinQz): 3/20/2020 7:54:36 PM

Previous Seasonal Content

Hello Bungie and fellow Guardians. So after having to take time away from gaming due to life situations, just after Season of Dawn, I got to play it a little before I had to go away. I noticed the Virtuous ornaments for the new Titan armor and I fell in love with it. Unfortunately, coming back to it, I realized it's "seasonal" so I won't have the chance to get it anymore, which really bums me out, for a couple of reasons. So what I propose is simple - please, bring previous seasonal contents back . I get it, it's seasonal, supposed to be special and all that, but considering how some people have things happen in life *unexpectedly*, it's not really fair to those people in my opinion. Maybe make it so that instead of earning exp to get the items, which how you get the *current* seasonal items etc, come up with another way of getting them? I understand the fact that you want something *really* nice, you work for it. But for someone who *missed* the opportunity to grind for said things, its a real bummer and I might be complaining in someone else's opinion, but that's how I genuinely feel. I would even be happy if you guys brought them back at the end when we've been through all the seasons or something. (I'm not up-to-date with the roadmaps, future content plans etc) I hope one of you guys at Bungie sees this and takes this to the table and under consideration, that would be really awesome. Much love, Happy hunting Guardians

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