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впервые опубликовано в: Solo players Can’t progress
3/19/2020 3:38:14 AM
It doesn't help that I literally never see anyone running public events anymore, not even the seraph towers. Just tried one on earth and had only 1 person try to help, but they just rage quit because they were like 780 or something and did next to no damage because the event was a fricking 980. Even I can't do much to the enemies there being at 960 and getting gear at less than my current level from all strikes and events I run. It is hard as hell to actually level up at a reasonable rate in this game while still retaining the gear you actually like. I never have enough modules to upgrade my gear, and I don't want to be forced to take off my set I worked long and hard for just because it is a couple levels below new stuff I got.

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