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впервые опубликовано в: Solo players Can’t progress
3/16/2020 12:56:52 PM
As a busy dad myself, and someone who embraces the solo grind quite a bit, I would say focus on getting your power up through the usual match made activities that reward powerful drops first and foremost. Do your daily Rasputin bounties and as many re-buyable bounties as you can manage and then focus on buying the bunker upgrades that will reduce the upgrade costs and also provide more bits from strikes gambit and crucible to make it easier to complete the rest of the bunker upgrades. In a couple weeks these events are going to be really easy to complete with only a couple of people in the area (I did one very comfortably with 2 randoms the other night) There’s really not a lot you miss out on by not doing the high level activities that aren’t match-made. Most of the raid loot is lackluster and there’s comparable and often better gear available through easier sources. Even the trials loot is relatively unexciting. Don’t feel like you’re missing out on much by not doing these things. When you’re a busy, responsible parent you’re not going to get where you want to as quick as those who have a lot of time to devote, but you will get there

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