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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
Изменено (Zendorea): 3/15/2020 4:14:31 PM

Lost 750 lvl Player

I have been lost in the story line since "Season of Opulence" The story has not been clear nor is there a easy way to track your progress. If you miss a season, you are even more behind and lost in the story. What makes this even more frustrating is that since you have no idea what to do with the story line, you are forced to Grind mindlessly which i will opt out of and play a different game. The Quest system where you pick up items to track your progress can be confusing as when you return to the game you lose the Context of what everything is... =( So disappointed in the game and how it has turned out. the story line was so good but since the Ada missions, there has been no consistency or clear progression for those of us that miss seasons. =( Was Rly looking forward to running the expanded War Mind story but I'm unable.

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