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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
2/27/2020 4:49:31 AM

♤ Lightborne 13 - Incorrect Proxy Detected

The Tower is usually pretty tame, but lately Guardians and civilians alike have been flocking in from all corners of the galaxy. The amount of people moving around can get quite tight at times. Titans in red and white armor patrol the areas with the most people, auto rifles in hands. As soon as Icarus and the gang transmat in, Icarus heads to Master Rahool. He brandishes the box with all for keys and asks for a few tools and empty engram casings. Kairos and Indigo head to the postmaster and Eververse to exchange goods. A few of the people wandering around catch glimpse of the tattered robes of the group and begin mumbling to themselves. [i]Is that Icarus? I thought he left for good! What's he doing here? Does the Vanguard know?[/i] Icarus picks up his head and pulls down his cloak quickly while making a break for the vaults. Indigo swoops over to cover him. "Famous, huh?" She teases. Icarus grunts while searching for gear he rarely uses, quickly exchanging gear in and out. Kairos stumbles over with one of almost everything he can carry from Eververse. "Hey! Look at all this great stuff! Can't believe Tess was practically giving it away from just a few Silver! Haha!" He puts most of it in the vault, but holds onto a few sets of armor and some ornaments for his weapons and gear. Icarus, now looking like he just got back from the early days of the Red War, hastily walks towards the hanger. Kairos fumbles around at the vault for a bit longer, but Indigo stays close by his side. Indigo whispers to Icarus the whole way there. "You wanna talk about it or are we just gonna pretend like the atmosphere is clear as day?" She grins nervously. Icarus shoots her a hooded glance. "Let's just get Failsafe uploaded and give Ada her box, okay?" He bumps a massive Titan with two great horns atop a charcoal helmet, almost stumbling over in the process. The titan turns and stares down on him with glowing gold eyes. "Watch it, whimp." He scoffs and turns away. Icarus grits his teeth as he slings a small tripwire from his wrist, wrapping around the titans leg. With a quick tug, the titan loses his balance and face plants into the concrete, falling over others in the process. Icarus quickly runs toward the tower, even losing Indigo in the process. The titan stands and begins to yell in frustration. "Ahhhh!!! Get back here you little-" Two of the tower guards grab him by the arms and drag him toward Zavala. The titan continues yelling out the whole way there. Meanwhile, Kairos finishes up his make over, looking rather regal in a very freeing robe with plenty of upper plate armor. Both his Sturm and Drang are polished and gleaming. He let's out a relaxed sigh as he looks around. His smile fades as he realizes he's lost everyone. "Of course.. Penny?" He holds out his hand. Penny forms in front of him with a brand new exotic shell. Even without facial features, she seems to be very excited. "Are you lost?" She squints. "Hey, I know exactly where I [i]am[/i], I just don't know where to [i]go[/i], okay?" Kairos folds his arms. Penny chuckles, "Let's just go to the Bazaar. The rest will meet up with us later. Kairos gets his smile back. "Yeah, alright!" They both head past the gunsmith and down to the bazaar. Down in the hanger the crowd is much scarcer. Icarus pulls off his hood and heads to a workbench under the Future War Cult room. A rack full of worker frames sits ready for activation, but one of them is heavily modified with pieces from Shaxxs Redjacks and armor usually worn by titans, including a relic from before the Red War; the Twilight Garrison. The chest piece is painted red and white to match that of the other Redjack frames. Icarus pulls the frame off the rack and plops it up on the table. A computer boots up and Icarus inserts the data chip with Failsafes files into one of the ports. The file begins copying when suddenly.. "Is that contraband I see?" A familiar voice startles him. Amanda Holiday approaches, wrench in hand. "What are we stealing today?" Icarus relaxes and continues. "I'm downloading Failsafe into my frame. I need to give Proxy consciousness and I need Failsafe for a future project." He fiddles with parts, reattaching limbs to the frame and waiting for the download to finish. Holiday squints. "Yeah, you're lucky we're friends, or this would be a huge red flag, pal. What future project do you have in mind?" She tightens some loose bolts on her side of the frame. Icarus tries to ignore the question. "Alright, alright. Maybe Zavala can get the answers out of ya?" Icarus slams his hands on the table, "Amanda. Enough. If I told you..." the download finishes with a beep. He takes the copy and installs it into the head of the frame. "...I'd have to kill you." He says with a half grin. Holiday giggles. "Boy, I've heard that one before. C'mon! It's so boring around here and you live such a dangerous, exciting life! But I'm sure I wouldn't even understand, right?" She raises an eyebrow at him. Indigo finally joins them. "What'd I miss?" She climbs up an empty rack next to them and sits on a crate, hanging her legs over the edge, dangling right over Icarus' head. Icarus looks frustrated. "Well, now I'm definitely not saying." He lifts up the frame with a grunt and sets it down on both feet. "Proxy. Activate primary sequence 00A1." The frame buzzes as it comes online. The lights that normally glow a gentle white, glow a soft yellowish orange. Failsafe's voice filters through a mix of basic frame voices until it becomes the clear continuous voice of Failsafe. "Captain! You've done it! I- I have a [i]real[/i] body!" The yellow light flashes a few times to a reddish orange, "And it's not squishy and gross like yours." It flashes back. "No offense!" She says gleefully. She move quite robotically at first, slowly getting used to the joints and mechanics of the frame. Icarus speaks directly, "Proxy, you will now answer to Failsafe as well as to me. Access code RAS007." The light on the face changes again to a cool light blue color. A male voice comes through, "Yes sir." Failsafe jolts. "Uh... Yeah, I dont know if I like sharing my new body very much.." Icarus grabs another frame from the rack that is missing its legs. "Don't worry, it's just temporary until I can get the access codes for another frame. I tried the same codes I used on Proxy, but they all failed." He grabs two Vex hobgoblin legs from a large crate behind him. He begins connecting wires and axels to different mechanical joints hastily. Indigo kicks her legs lightly. "You know, I love watching you work. You're like a totally different person, you know that?" She grins lightly. Amanda squints at the weak welding and jumbled wires. "Ehh, do you know what you're doing there? I don't think Vex legs will work on a frame body like that. I don't think they [i]should[/i] either.." "If you do it right they can!" Kairos walks down the hanger steps twirling a screwdriver and a classic grin.

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