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2/21/2020 3:29:48 PM

Xbox One X Crashes HARD

It seems that i can do void room 1 time without issue but if we wipe and i have to go back into the void room a second time my One X shuts down and i get a overheat notification when its rebooted. And this keeps happening every time as soon as i touch the first barrier in Void after that. My Xbox One X is sitting on top of a homemade floormodel PA speaker. In other words its very open air and ventilated. So Its NOT sitting in a confined TV bench space or something like that. My guess is that there is something in the barrier code that overheats the GPU some how. I play in my opinion alot more grafic demanding games such as Tomb Rider without problems. I dont have a 4k Tv yet so im not using HDR and all that stuff. Just 1080p Please help!

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