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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
Изменено (DeFaced5960): 2/11/2020 1:07:27 AM

Bungie, it's 2020 and you have a Stadia port, it's time to embrace Steam Play and Proton!

Bungie, please, it's about time you embrace the use of Steam Play and Proton for linux users. I know we're not a huge playerbase, but seriously, you have a Stadia port...a Stadia...port...come on. You've clearly already ported the game over to some kind of linux based OS or use some compatibility layer to get it to run, so how about you embrace the use of Proton and stop kicking us out of your game for the sake of "piracy" or whatever the excuse is now! Please Bungie, let us use Proton and enjoy your game on the platform of our choice!

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