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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
1/24/2020 7:49:45 PM

*insert generic complaint about looter shooter here*

Throughout Destiny 1's lifespan, people endlessly complained about the rewards [i]not being good enough[/i]. The raids [i]not being good enough[/i], the strikes [i]not being good enough[/i], the game being too grindy..The game being a job instead of a hobby, FOMO, greed. Nothing is ever [i]good enough.[/i] This community, specifically these forums, are incapable of reasonable constructive criticism. Not that I'm saying I expected any less. Looter Shooters that give you items to give a pseudo-feeling of power over others attract that kind of community. Just like my dead-beat cousin who lives with his parents in his 30's, gaming and sleeping all day.. Gambling addicts with inferiority complexes. Riddled with so much self-hate and entitlement that they can't help but let it boil over every now and then. Just remember, if you[i] actually[/i] care about the future of this game and you aren't just looking for something to get passionate about in your passionless life: [b]Actions speak louder than words.[/b] Or in this case, your wallet. Your wallet speaks louder than words.

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