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Общее обсуждение Destiny.
9/11/2014 12:25:49 PM

Can anyone explain the enemy immune system properly?

I understand that some enemies come up immune when you are not dealing enough or the correct kind of damage. What I am puzzled with is that I came across and enemy that was coming up immune and a little later at a slightly higher level against the same enemy I could do damage with the SAME weapon. Is this correct? How come? Sorry if this is really obvious but I would just like to clear it up. In a different situation I came across and enemy with the ?? above their head and my friend said I wasn't high enough level to damage them. I kind of agreed but still went through my collection of hard hitting weapons i'd just acquired to test the water. No damage was done and it got me killed but I got to thinking even if I was a level 2 say and was able to wield a level 14 weapon (I know you can't) would it still not do damage?

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