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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
1/13/2020 9:23:17 AM


Bungie is a company that wants to make money. They did split up from Activision, this is true. NetEase is a chinese company that invested 100m dollars into bungie early 2018. The primary source of income for Bungie is not from you the player, it's from investors. In other words, the reason games like Destiny 2 are often very troubled and mediocre is because alot of effort is being put into making the game as profitable as possible. One might think that a quality product would be the most profitable product, but in this business it's unfortunately not how things work. What I'm trying to say is while in a perfect world customers would get quality products to buy, investors would get returns on there investments, and companies would see profits, this doesn't happen often. It's easier to try to be more efficient and often someone gets the short end of the stick. Destiny 2 is designed to be heavily monetizable with minimal effort and maximum efficiency like a mobile game. It's free to play, it has an in game store, it has a flashy currency that is manipulative in it's pricing model and implementation. It may not be as egregious in nature as other titles, but how does that excuse it? If you feel this to be true to any extent for this game or others, please consider vocalizing your thoughts. I'd love to see a higher standard of quality for games in the future. As a note, there are many greatly talented people at Bungie, not every aspect of Destiny 2 and Destiny are bad. I especially appreciate much of the texture work, skybox design, and effects.

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