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Изменено (REDEYEJEDI): 11/9/2019 9:55:05 PM

A Clan named Stadia Founders, made by a Stadia Founder for Stadia Founders.

--- --- RECRUITMENT STAGE: Guardians Wanted! --- --- All Join Requests are reviewed to maintain standards. --- Mission Statement --- With Stadia launching on the 19th of November, this clan is made for the sole use of guardians who will be using Stadia as their main console. Although other consoles are welcome. Its recommended that Stadia is the main console you use. --- Further Information --- As we are in the recruitment stage all focus will be on recruiting. Clan activities etc. will start after we've hit full capacity (yes this is optimistic). Preliminary Discord will be the main point of contact. If Google releases a chat service after the launch of Stadia, we will move to that. For any suggestions, feedback or further information please contact me. Discord/Steam/Reddit: clap31trap18 --- Clan Rules --- - Do not be offensive! - Respect everyone. - Try to contribute to the Clan Level. - Participate in as many events as you can. - Loyalty. - Enjoy Yourself. --- If you are interested in joining please use the discord link above and I'll do the rest. Eyes Up Guardian. clap31trap18 Clan Founder

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