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12/13/2019 12:18:13 PM

Skill based match making in comp must change

Last season (season 8), I reached 5100, not legend, mythic 3. I played with a 3 stack all the way to 5100 and won most of our games with some challenging teams to beat. We mostly found that every time we lost, we would always win the next game because the "skill-based matchmaking," would place us against people not even close to our skill level. Overall, it was actually fun. This season is a clear difference. I played with the same 3 stacks that I played with before and found all of our efforts to play against these teams to be useless. We were playing against unbroken players at 0 glory. We also played with people (3 days into the season btw) at 3,000 glory. I said before that every time we lost in season 8, we would always win the next game due to the poor skill-based matchmaking. in season 9, every time we lost, we would never win the next game because we would always play with people who were, as said before, at unbroken or 3k glory. Bungie, what changed going into season 8 to 9. At this point unbroken seemed possible in season 8, in season 9, it feels impossible. Bungie, as someone who is at currently brave 2,

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