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Изменено (TheSplendidBrit): 12/8/2019 10:11:53 AM

[XB1 ONLY] The Shield of Saint-14 | SHERPAS | END GAME | DUNGEONS | PVP | LORE | RAIDS |

[b] [u] The Shield of Saint-14 is recruiting [/b] [/u] [b] Guardians [/b] its that time of week we are recruiting for The Shield of Saint-14. This is a great opportunity to join a very active, friendly community. Our three clans share a discord server this where we communicate and where you can LFG for any activity whether you are raiding or wanting to get competitive in PvP. We also run sherpa'd raids throughout the week with amazing, patient sherpa's that are pro's at what they do. Our awesome Librarians have also written our lore into the very fabric of the Destiny 2 universe. So if you want to join [b]The Shield of Saint-14[/b] apply to join the fastest growing community of guardians. Now time for the [b]rules[/b]. We hate them but we have a few: [b]Xbox only[/b] - Be able to play UK times. - Join our discord server within 24 hours of joining the clan and communicate regularly as this is our method of communication. - Over 18's only (exceptions can be made to more mature younger people.) - If you have no raid clears please complete one of our sherpa'd runs within 2 weeks. - If you're inactive for more than 2 weeks let one of our admins know. - Join clan mates in activities there are many of us. We encourage this to build an active community. - Get the minimum points required for DCW. - Be in possession of the latest DLC or have plans to get it shortly. - Your discord server name must match your Xbox gamertag.

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