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12/7/2019 11:38:43 PM

Deluxe Edition Not Shown on XB1

Hi Bungie, I purchased Shadowkeep Deluxe Edition on September 14, 2019. When Shadowkeep launched, I received all of the preorder bonuses that came with the edition, but when I looked on Xbox, it indicated that only had the standard. Now, I know that you guys had mentioned this in a TWAB in October and that you offered silver compensation for the glitch and I did receive it and I haven't spent it. But after this past TWAB (December 5, 2019), you guys mentioned that each season will cost $10 or 1000 silver. I'm assuming you're seeing where I'm going with this. The 1000 silver does not cover the amount of money I spent on getting the entire season pass for Shadowkeep. I love your game and supporting you guys, even more so that you self publish now, but I don't it's fair that I have to pay another $20 on top of the $80 I already paid for the Deluxe Edition. In reality, I should have received 3000 silver to cover for all the upcoming seasons if that was the case. So how can we come to a resolution here? I want to keep playing the game as I love it, but I can't justify paying for something that I already paid for. Please get back to me when you can. My Xbox Gamertag is FL1NTZ. Thanks.

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