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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
11/30/2019 7:02:13 AM

Trading system

[quote]Wouldn't it be great if destiny had like a system where you could sale that extra gun or armor you had to another player ? My idea: 1. Create a new NPC 2. Use the legendary shards as a way to buy the item. 3. You can only sell 3 items a week (to stop people from abusing the system) 4. The item you buy comes in at your light level (still makes you grind for your light level) 5. You can only buy once a week (still need to grind for stuff) 6. The game makers set all the prices and you get rewarded for sales and buying (something small random: shaders, ornaments, or ghost shells) 7. Perks appear random same as a loot drop in game play to stop god rolls to try to make game play still equal and grinding. Maybe Zur doesn't have what you want that week try to buy it. Market would be limited to only what players are selling. You may have to water 3 days till someone sales that gun you want.

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