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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
11/21/2019 9:32:18 PM

So instead of reprising old exotics, what about legendary loot?







It's probably nostalgia talking or the 2,500 hours I have in D1, but I feel D1 legendary loot should be brought back to the D2 general pool. Maybe leave the D1 shotguns in D1 though...I don't think any non-aping PvP player wants those back. Anyways, I'm just looking through all my D1 gear on Destiny Item Manager and I can't help but feel like the old weapons and armor look much more unique and overall better. The Iron Banner gear (from the RoI expansion) in particular and the Trials gear are some standouts. The larger variety of rocket launchers, machine guns, and snipers is also something I've missed. Hell, the gear between Shaxx and Zavala are just re-skins of each other in D2. In D1, most if not all gear, are at least visually different between them, because PvP and PvE gear followed two different base designs in D1. Granted, in D2, the raid armor and weapons are standouts, opposed to D1 where they are mostly re-skins of the general loot. I'm not trying to say that D1 isn't without it's fair amount of re-skinned gear, because it definitely isn't. I'm just saying it'd be nice to have some more variety in the general legendary pool for D2, especially if D2 is going to be supported for a while longer. Also, bring back D1 shaders pls.

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