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11/21/2019 12:38:47 PM

Need Digital Deluxe Season Passes Transferred

My son and I play D2 on PS4. My son earned the money for ShadowKeep and gave me the money to place the order. I ordered ShadowKeep Digital Deluxe through the PlayStation store to get the four seasons passes. Unfortunately, I didn't know that those passes would only activate for the account that actually placed the order. So I ended up with four season passes that I'll use little of, while he had none. I could have transferred the funds to allow him to make the purchase, but since the previous season passes had been shared, I didn't think it was necessary. In the chaos that was launch week, the Help forums were overwhelmed with issues, so I bought him a single season pass to give some time to resolve things. In the meantime, I've gone back and looked, and that information about the passes not being shared was not in the comparison of Shadowkeep editions. I'm asking for the Digital Deluxe benefits to be removed from my account and placed on his. Thanks.

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