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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
11/13/2019 9:46:36 PM

PC Migration Problems - GG Bungie, I give up

[b]To make it clear, this is not a post requesting for help, I no longer expect Bungie to provide a solution to this problem.[/b] This post is meant to be a summarization of my experience trying to get assistance from Bungie, and to prevent others from falling down this rabbit hole. I'm also hoping writing this out will help me process my frustration at this situation so I apologize if it is a little long. I have been trying for over a month to fix an issue I experienced with the PC migration to Steam. Long story short, my account didn't migrate to my steam account, and now my steam account is tied to an empty Destiny 2 account. Bungie claims this process (that they created!) is a one time thing, and their only solution to this problem is to tell people to make a new Steam account......... It's not like my entire game library and friends list is associated with that account. \s This clearly isn't the solution I wanted, however a lack of a technical solution isn't the only reason I'm writing this post. I'm also writing this to express my feelings of disappointment and betrayal by Bungie. I love Destiny 2, the lore and gameplay make it one of the greatest games I've ever played. I've been playing Bungie games my whole life and I really respected the company, but this whole experience has permanently soured my opinion. Hundreds of players with this problem have been abandoned on the forums, and the only communication from is the same copy and pasted response. The forum moderators won't even respond to follow up questions, they just move on. I reached out to Bungie though the help forum, twitter, the Destiny help subreddit and I even hand delivered a letter to their office (I've posted the text of the letter below). Bungie either doesn't care about this problem or can not solve the issue on their own, which would be a little pathetic. I feel disappointed and betrayed by Bungie at this point, and I don't know if I will migrate my characters to a new Steam account or leave the Destiny universe forever. Thank you for reading this and letting me express my frustrations. May your light stay strong, even as some fade. tldr: PC migration didn't work, Bungie help told to make a new steam account to fix it, now I'm sad. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [quote]Dear Bungie Customer Support, I have been trying for over a month no to get help with an issue regarding my account migration, hence this letter. When I try to migrate my Bungie account to my Steam account, I am told that the Steam account has already been migrated too. The website then tells me to make a new Steam account to correct this. Which is the same advice I received on the forums. I don’t understand how this is viewed as an acceptable solution. What about my pre-purchase of Shadowkeep? Will I be refunded if I have to buy the game twice? Will my preorder bonus be transferred to my new account or am I out of luck? A Steam account isn’t just an account to be thrown away. I have all of my friends, a decade of games, and thousands of hours of playtime on that account. Trying to resolve this problem has been one of the most frustrating and demeaning customer support experiences I have had in my entire life. Please Bungie, there has been no response on whether this issue is still being worked upon. There are many users with this problem on the forum, and we feel abandoned and ignored. The only assistance we are given is a copy and pasted response telling us to make a new account. I am just looking for a little communication about why such a simple problem is leaving so many players out in the cold and away from the light. I love your games and your company. I hope to remain a loyal customer and be able to explore the riveting Destiny universe once more. Please contact me with more information about this problem and whether it is still being worked on. I’ve included the related help forum posts. Thank you for your time and assistance, Chewy71[/quote]

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