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11/11/2019 11:36:25 PM

[PC][OCE] Looking for a Friendly Clan to Join

Hi there! I'm azurajae, known as just simply Jae. Not born here, but I do reside in NZ. I've been playing Destiny 2 for a while now, for less than a month, and I was looking to join a friendly clan open to having a newbie join their ranks and join them on strikes, raids, endgame stuff, and maybe pvp (though I have never raided before, but I'm willing to put the effort to learn). I also enjoy the lore a lot, though I didn't play D1 so I'm a little behind, but a clan open to discussions about lore would be nice as well! Honestly, I'm just looking for some active friends to play with! I'm not the best at the game quite yet, don't know the 'meta' or 'good weapons' exactly, but I'm active and willing to participate in group activities. Just to preface, I am 18+ so I might not be a good fit for clans hosting much younger members. Thank you! Guardians: - 962 Warlock (Main) - 955 Hunter

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