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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
11/5/2019 4:11:23 AM

Brother Vance Nerfed Severely

There was no mention of it that I could find... but you will lose many shards if you try to get enhancement cores from him now. The trade in each time does not award shards, he can no longer drop 2 rewards, and I didnt try for more than 6000 seeds... but no exotic from him either, that may be luck... but I will assume that is also removed. Funny that as a community; we are unhappy about a ton of things... that take years to fix apparently. Brother Vance... who we all liked and used as a way to bump enhancement cores even; though it took 5 hours of trading.... nerfed into the pavement without (easily found) notice. For the next silent nerf I recommend Arc Battery and One Eyed Mask.... just "accidentally" delete them. Please and thank you.

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