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Изменено (epicperon): 11/6/2019 2:36:11 AM

(UPDATED) New Pokemon leak showing all of the new Galarian mons with their typings

So far there are 98 new Pokemon being added (counting forms). Though the community considers this disappointing, my dumbass is still preordering the game because it’s Pokemon. I may be in the minority, and it may just be the scalie in me, but I really like Sobble’s final evolution. It’s definitely cemented Sobble as the starter I’m choosing. The other starter lines just seem kinda ew imo. Also it appears there are versions in the game of Zacian and Zamazenta without their “armor”, which I think is kinda cool. Those forms also lack a steel typing, which leaves them pureblood fairy and pureblood fighting, respectively. What do y’all think? Edit: Here’s all the known returning pokemon: Edit 2: Version exclusives:

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