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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
10/23/2019 12:06:04 AM

Dont forget people Bungie is an independent company so they need to make money

I'm not defending them they've done alot of shit such as stripping content putting behind a pay wall D1Y1 or nerfing xp gains or not listening to their own forums and using reddit to get feedback but hey if you want destiny to end because lack of money go ahead

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  • Изменено (Rabid Tick): 10/23/2019 12:17:06 AM
    Destiny is the second highest grossing game this gen... and this is not even accounting for the micro transactions... All of d1 cost the day 1 gamers $180. By the end of year 3 of d2.. a day 1 gamer will have spent over $300 on just the game. I do not think you understand the money they have made. All the while... d2s pvp has been in three betas and now there is an alpha. The 80% of the core base grind has been unchanged since the end of year one. No srl No trials No factions No vendor loot/armor 60% of the reward content is from d1 75% of all content rewards are just re-skins And now, the game is $10 every ten weeks for something to do... If you want bungie to make money... tell them to make a game that the fans want instead of a strip mall that is selling flea market items. Pp

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