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10/19/2019 12:47:55 PM

WEASEL!!! Bungie DO SOMETHING! I tried everything!!!

Sorry, for CAPS LOCK Bungie but it's I'M FED UP! I play Destiny 2, since 2 years now and I love it! But since shadowkeep and your migration to Steam IT'S HELL! I can't play a single pvp game till the end! And I don't talk about the banner, I can't even do my missions!! I'm with a fiber connection + I tried, all fixes! Quit my clan (special character), killing Wifi over Ethernet connection, remove buffer from Steam... NOTHING WORKS! => Weasel (80%), Anteater, ... I paid for your game and supported you over and over BUNGIE, so please DO SOMETHING and communicate on the subject! I'm not alone with that problem.
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