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Изменено (KronicKromosomes): 10/20/2019 3:25:24 AM

Looking for clan (PS4

I'm looking for a destiny 2 clan that is active and noob friendly, I'm newer to destiny 2 but know most of the mechanics well, I'm looking for a dedicated clan that would help do raids because I have never done one before

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  • The Hive Collective is currently looking for Guardians! If you've been looking for a clan that truly has you in mind, you've come to the right place. Our community is active on both PS4 and growing on PC as well. We pride ourselves on the fact that no matter your skill level, there is a place for you in the Hive if you are willing to work and play alongside your clanmates. There are no lone wolves in the Hive. We want our members to work together, show a willingness to help each other, and celebrate each other's victories. You'll find a wide variety of players of all ages and skill levels here. Our team can help you improve and succeed in every aspect of Destiny. We have a few requirements to join the Hive. 1. You must join the Discord server. It is essential to clan communication and event scheduling. 2. We ask that you show activity weekly (Discord or Destiny). We understand that real life happens and things come up, and we are flexible on this when those sitauations arise. Open communication is the key! 3. Be mature and respectful. 4. Be a Team Player. If you think this sounds like something you want to be a part of, please do not hesitate to apply! There is a space for everyone in the Hive.

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