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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
10/18/2019 6:59:37 PM

How The Stranger's Rifle Predicted Everything

Ok Guardians! We all remember the good ole' days, and the mysteries of the Vex, but now everything seems to have just clicked together in one big puzzle. The Stranger's Rifle, with flavor text that reads " of it shouldn't exist yet." Helps us understand that the Stranger was from the future, but what we DIDN'T realize, was that this very flavor text helps predict all of the Vex's activity up until this very moment in Shadowkeep. When the Osiris expansion released, we got a list of Prophecy Weapons (a very fitting name) in which the new weapon, MACHINA DEI 4 was released. As soon as you look at this gun, it's a dead giveaway: the weapon is nearly identical to The Stranger's Rifle, except this time, the weapon's technology now exists -- most likely due to the fact that Mercury has a direct MASSIVE portal into the Infinite Forest, which we can presume the Stranger is using to travel in and out of time. So now what? Well, with Taken King's release, we're introduced with the exotic version of The Stranger's Rifle: No Time To Explain, which the flavor text reads "...'soon'" Now this being said, we're fast approaching the Undying Mind, Ikora is even building her little Vex Gate. Soon...
#lore #destiny2

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