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впервые опубликовано в: Sword perk ideas
10/16/2019 7:16:11 PM
[quote]I made a post very similar to this a long time ago and I wanted to have another input on new sword perks and old ones. Scroll all the way down for some old reworks My new perk suggestions for sword. Appetite of destruction- Kills with sword makes you have temporary shock wave that weakens enemy damage and disorient enemies. This also cause temporary stagger to all minions of darkness More kills= longer disorient and weaken. Bright Guard- blocking with sword blinds all majors and some bosses. The longer you block the more ammo it takes. Note: this will be the guard slot not the perk pool. Sword Exchange- Matching element shields gives you 6 over charge slashes. Breaking any shield gives you the ammo back. Intrusion- Sword heavy attacks cause impalement which highlight the enemy (like tether) and debuff the enemy. The more heavy attacks the better the debuff and continuous heavy attacks decrease ammo. ( Debuff last 7 seconds if no heavy attack is received, have it cap at a certain amount of hits, continuous heavy attacks decrease ammo consumption all the way to 2 it was 4, this also stacks with other debuffs) I'll add more later or bring up the old ones I had a while ago SpookSlayer Enduring Assault- kills or damage with sword grants a damage reduction[/quote] Finally, another sword enthusiast

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