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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
10/16/2019 4:08:10 AM

So I guess this here is thrown out the window.

[quote]Her throne world is desecrated. Not annihilated, as Oryx's was. The pillars and terraces and courtyards still retain their shape. But the roots have rotted, and the geometry festers. [/quote] Oryx kills xivu and savathun in his throne world. This is from the perspective of the hive, then we get xivu talking about her letting oryx killing her and going back deep into her throne. [quote]OBLIGATIONS. Once, I permitted Oryx to kill me so that he could gain the sword logic and overcome Akka our God. This left me trapped deep in my throne. But Oryx my brother made war upon the Ecumene and in that war he described me, for I too am war. Thus I was resurrected.[/quote] 🤔🤔🤔 that's weird. And when oryx dies in his throne what happens. [quote]a full imagined exhale before the aftershock reaches his throne world. It crumbles around her like stone, like ash, like veils in a breeze. Eris Morn's friends have succeeded. The Guardians have slain a god. She steps through the ruins. In the end, there is nothing. Nothing but Mara Sov and the howling of rampant, untamed logics. [/quote] [quote]Her throne world is desecrated. Not annihilated, as Oryx's was. The pillars and terraces and courtyards still retain their shape. But the roots have rotted, and the geometry festers. [/quote] It's like his throne was completely wiped. Meanwhile xivu was chillin In her throne after oryx killed her.
#lore #destiny2

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