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впервые опубликовано в: Burning maul and thundercrash could still use some work.
Изменено (Mythic): 10/12/2019 9:25:31 PM
The problem with buffing the base damage of Burning Maul is the fact that Roaring Flames is tied directly to it. Roaring Flames increases base damage per stack as follows: x1 20% x2 44% x3 126%. You cannot increase the base damage of this Super without completely removing the effect Roaring Flames has on it (similar to what happened with combination blow on Arc Staff). In my opinion, Burning Maul only needs some minor tweaks, not an entire rework. Here’s a few things I think it needs: 1. Add a waypoint to the throwing hammer. 2. Tireless Warrior rework: After killing an enemy with your throwing hammer, hold (melee button) to summon your hammer. Targets struck on its return triggers your health regeneration. 3. Increase the duration of Roaring Flames from 15 to 20 seconds.

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