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Изменено (ChaosMetalDrago): 10/12/2019 1:18:45 AM

Full Frontal and his 0096 Neo Zeon movement did nothing wrong.

Unlike Char and Haman Karn's terrorism, the Sleeves presented a legitamate resistance movement against the Earth Federation's corruption and oppression of it's. Spaceborne citizens. Their goals were never dominaton oriented, but instead on establishing economic and political freedom from an oppressive government. They only attacked military as nessisary. (Loni going AWOL and glassing a city, as tragic as it was doesn't count as she wasn't following orders.) Had nothing to do with the original Zeon's faccism [b]Meanwhile the Earth Federation government:[/b] -Interfered in a lawful handover by attacking within a heavily populated colony, causing innumerable collateral casualties, many of whom were children as well as dammage that rendered the colony of millions uninhabitable. -held a passivist ally (who was also a child by the way) hostage at gunpoint. -fired a massive particle canon, endangering another refugee filled population center. -held more child civilians hostage -forced one of said hostages into a combat role under threat of death for the rest. -atempted to assassinate their own soldiers several times to cover up criminal activity. -Fired a WMD at yet another civilian population center to attempt circumventing their own laws.

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