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10/6/2019 12:06:27 PM

HELP - Difficulties with my cross save account (PSN to Steam)

Hi all! I just did the cross save (PSN to Steam) and I don't have access to my saved progress that I had. I have to re-create a character. Here are, in order, my actions : - Buy D2:Shadowkeep on Steam - While downloading, I subscribe to the cross save feature. on Bungie.Net - Steam is my official account - Opened D2 and need to verify e-mail : Never receive the verification e-mail - Click on re-sent e-mail - Received the e-mail, click on the link, but have a verification e-mail error... - Opened D2 again, I have to create a character again... I spent too much hour on that game to re-create another character from scratch. Please help me out with this!

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